What he's demonstrated, very clearly, is that you have a choice. He took all that torment, all that agony, all that confusion and pain, and he transformed it into something beautiful.
He's like the silkworm, you know? You take this raw material, and you transform it. You come out with something that wasn't there before. Something beautiful. Something perhaps transcendent. Something perhaps eternal.
Insofar as he does that, I think he's representative of the human spirit, of what's possible. That you have a choice "And this has been my choice, to give you Sugar Man". Now, have you done that? Ask yourself.
早上 10 點從桃園機場飛往東京成田機場,到着時間已經是下午的兩點半,在成田機場研究了一下西瓜卡和 N'EX 京成特快車的買法,到池袋的投宿地 SUPER HOTEL 已經接近五點。check in 卸行李、熟悉 SUPER HOTEL 的環境,稍微休息一下,就出門去尋找這次東京小旅行的第一餐,麵創房無敵家拉麵。
第一次到東京自助旅行,所有的事情都是新鮮的,地下鐵和 JR 的搭法、出站要往哪轉,好像每遇到一個岔路都需要停一下思考,好險現在有手機,出國前向中華電信設定了四日的國際漫遊,真遇到麻煩還可以開 Google Map 定位照著走。看地圖,覺得從 SUPER HOTEL 到無敵家的距離好像不是太遠,好不容易到了東京,當然怎樣也不想走在地鐵裡的地下通道。
正值七月最熱的時節,傍晚的東京街道上太陽仍然刺眼,從 SUPER HOTEL 走到鄰近的池袋駅不到10分鐘,穿過西武池袋本店,經過通道到西武池袋別館,前往街道上的無敵家。